You don’t need to wait until the real estate market is hot to add value to your Gaithersburg, MD, home. Whether you plan to put your house on the market next week or want to take out a second mortgage, consider HVAC upgrades. The right upgrades will add all the value you need to your home.

Central Heat and Air

Adding a central heating and air system will often add value, but you may not get back as much as you paid. Buyers know that these systems will keep them warm during bone-chilling winters and cool during the heat of summer.

An AC replacement is a smarter upgrade overall, especially if you plan to sell your house in the spring or summer. Another option is a new heat pump, which can both heat and cool your home.

Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat is a convenient feature that allows you to adjust the temperature quickly, set up climate zones, and establish daily schedules. While it may be tempting to install one yourself, always hire a pro. They will ensure it operates correctly.

Air Cleaners

A home with air cleaners appeals to buyers who struggle with allergies. This simple attachment catches an abundance of airborne pollutants, including pet dander, dust, and spores.

Air Scrubbers

By investing in air scrubbers, you’ll be able to breathe cleaner and more purified air. There are many models to consider, but one that holds excellent ratings is the Air Scrubber Plus. Why? It immediately breaks down the DNA that composes harmful bacteria and viruses using a special UV Light.

Call Eric Smock Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. today to schedule a complimentary consultation and invest in upgrades that will boost your home’s value. From heat pumps, AC installations, and indoor air quality products, you’ll receive nothing less than five-star customer service and high-quality products that fit your budget.

Image provided by iStock

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