Did you know that it’s possible for the quality of the air inside your home to be worse than the air outside? This is especially troublesome when you have a child suffering from asthma. Fortunately, there are ways to clean the air inside your Ijamsville, MD, home to keep your family healthy and safe.
Replace Your Air Filter Regularly
Firstly, you should replace your HVAC system’s air filter every 30-90 days. This will make sure that it’s continuously trapping dangerous contaminants and maintaining quality indoor air for your family to breathe. Another reason to do this is because a dirty air filter causes your HVAC system to work too hard. This can lead to overheating, which can result in a breakdown.
Schedule Regular HVAC Maintenance
A professional HVAC company has the ability to inspect your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. Your service technician will tell you which areas of your system need maintenance work. By scheduling maintenance for your HVAC system in the spring and fall, you’ll ensure it operates at peak efficiency and works to help maintain good indoor air quality.
Install an Air Scrubber Plus
Last but certainly not least, consider the Air Scrubber Plus, which installs directly into your HVAC system. It works to trap, filter, and kill airborne contaminants and pathogens. If you want to make the air inside your home healthier to inhale, this is one of the most effective devices for improving IAQ. It can help to reduce your risk of experiencing illness.
Don’t allow your home’s air quality to suffer. Call Eric Smock Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. We provide quality indoor air quality solutions and other servicing options that will help improve your home’s air quality. We’ll help you breathe easier, sleep better and lead a healthier life inside your home year-round.
Image provided by iStock
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