Joining clubs, whether sports or social, is fun. You get to meet new people and try different things. Joining a preventive HVAC maintenance club might not sound as exciting, but it can reward you in many other ways. If you’re a homeowner in Frederick, Maryland, read on to learn five reasons to join our Comfort Club.

Save Energy and Money

Your HVAC system accounts for about half of the energy your household consumes. Maximizes its efficiency helps save energy and money. By joining our Comfort Club, you’ll ensure your heating and cooling systems always operate at peak efficiency.

Prevent Breakdowns

HVAC systems are complex pieces of machinery. A small malfunctioning part can quickly cause significant damage. When you join our Comfort Club, a comfort specialist will have a chance to catch small issues before they develop into costly breakdowns.

Extend Equipment Life

An HVAC system that operates at peak efficiency and endures fewer breakdowns lasts longer. Manufacturers design most HVAC systems to last between 10 and 15 years. Requiring a replacement before the decade mark can become a financial burden.

Receive Priority Service

When you join our Comfort Club, you’ll never have to worry about waiting in line again. That’s because our Comfort Club customers receive priority service. That means, when you need an HVAC service, you’ll move ahead of non-priority customers immediately.

Enjoy Repair Discounts

If a comfort specialist finds an issue in your HVAC system, you should have it repaired right away. We understand that isn’t always financially possible, though. That’s why our Comfort Club customers receive a 15-percent discount on all service repairs.

Our Comfort Club Maintenance Savings Plan comes with many other benefits. Contact Eric Smock Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. at (301) 945-7220 to learn more. Our comfort specialists are standing by to ensure your HVAC system is working for and not against you.

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